Influencer MArketing CAMPAIGNS

..."There are few things that drive a sale more effectively than a warm word-of-mouth recommendation. A study by McKinsey found that “marketing-induced consumer-to-consumer word of mouth generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising.” And of those that were acquired through word-of-mouth had a 37 percent higher retention rate." - AdWeek

Whether your selling denim, pushing craft cocktails or retailing the latest in beachy wave hair tools...there is no denying the power of influencer marketing. They may be your favorite mom blogger, food instagrammar or even, beauty YouTuber - Oak Street Social has access to the top tastemakers to promote your brand on multiple channels. Our rolodex spans several states in niche categories. 

Don't take it from us though. See how our favorite bloggers influence consumer spending with strong visuals and approachable messaging: